Keiser's science-backed pneumatic resistance systems produce a purer resistance, consistent and controlled to accommodate for how the human body naturally reacts throughout the entire range of motion.

Whether you’re an astronaut, competitive athlete, or simply want to improve core flexibility, mobility, stability, balance and strength, Keiser helps build true, activity-based functional training into workout programs for daily life. True functional training requires training at speed – something you can only achieve with Keiser’s resistance technology.

Keiser’s low mass, low inertia, resistance enables athletes to maximize performance in a safer and more efficient manner. Train any movement, on any plane, at any speed with our functional cable machines. Combine Keiser’s pneumatic resistance with iron weight resistance with our racks. Build strength and speed with the resistance machines.  

With our Keiser equipment, athletes can train explosive movements with greater safety and efficiency. Athletes can get testing data to create baselines and prescribe programming for prehab, rehab, and performance development. Athletes can more importantly eliminate collateral damage to joints and connective tissues from shock loading. Lastly, with Keiser we build resilient athletes with prescribed resistance for both training and rehabilitation.

“Keiser Fitness equipment is our #1 competitive advantage.” 
- Owner and Founder, Les Bonsu.